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2016年05月30日 17:57  点击:[]

报告题目:Topology optimization for functionally graded cellular composites with micro-structured metamaterials


单位: University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)




摘要: This seminar focuses on a hierarchical multi-scale topology optimization method for integrated design of functionally graded cellular composites using a level set method, by taking advantage of both cellular composites and functionally graded materials to deliver a new family of artificially engineered composites. Two different types of design problems are involved: (1) the stiffness design of macro composite structures without metamaterials; and (2) the stiffness design of macro composite structures with metamaterials (e.g. auxetics). Several numerical examples are used to demonstrate the effectives of the proposed multi-scale topology optimization method for design of integrated materials and structures. Such cellular composites can find a range of unexpected and novel applications to achieve multifunctional properties, such as for energy absorption, impact protector and anti-impact devices, thermal isolation, smart bandages and filters, smart actuators and sensors, acoustic and vibration dampeners, and auxetic fibre reinforced composites.





    罗博士目前发表国际学术期刊和会议论文超过100篇,其中ISI-JCR Q1学术论文超过43篇,Sopus数据库论文引用次数900多次,指导博士研究生7人,5人已经毕业。罗博士已经合作申请,获得多个竞争性的学术研究项目,包括中国国家自然科学基金面上项目3项,澳大利亚国家研究委员会DP项目1项,和AutoCAC-澳大利亚汽车工业协会项目2项。罗震博士同时也和武汉WXYZ机器人,上海申航航空研究院,芜湖奇瑞重卡,以及美国Ford都在进行相关研究领域的合作研究和项目谈判。




上一条:纪念钱令希院士百年诞辰系列学术报告(五)——谭力副教授——(2016.6.3) 下一条:纪念钱令希院士百年诞辰系列学术报告(三)——王刚博士——(2016.6.3)


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