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Particle Shape Matters! - Packing and Flow of Ellipsoidal Particles——周宗彦 高级讲师——(2018.8.13)

2018年08月07日 18:38  点击:[]

报告题目 Particle Shape Matters! - Packing and Flow of Ellipsoidal Particles

报告人:周宗彦 高级讲师,澳大利亚蒙纳士大学化工学院

时  间:2018813 1000-1100

地  点:大连理工大学综合1号实验楼602会议室


Particle shape is one of the most important properties of particles, and it affects the packing and flow structures that are critical to transport properties such as permeability related to pore connection and thermal conductivity related to particle connection. Particle shape can be regular or irregular. In particular, ellipsoids attract a lot of attention in recent years as it can represent a large number of shapes, e.g. from platy to elongated. In this presentation, I give a brief review of studies of ellipsoidal particles on the basis of discrete element method, and examine the effects of particle shape in some typical particulate systems, including: (1) particle packing, focusing on how aspect ratio affects packing density and structures; (2) hopper flow, demonstrating the dependence of discharging rate and wall stress on particle shapes; (3) sandpile formation, focusing on how aspect ratio affects the angle of repose and stress dip distribution; and (4) fluidization, illustrating how particle shape affects the bed permeability, orientation, and bed flow/force structures. The results show that discrete element method for ellipsoids provides a useful approach to investigate shape effect on the behavior of granular materials.



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