报告人:Prof. S. Ravi P. Silva,英国皇家工程院院士,英国Surrey大学高新技术研究院院长
系列报告1:Nanotechnology based Smart Materials for Wearable Technologies
系列报告2:Scarcity of Fresh Water in the World: Nanotechnology based Solutionsfor Water Management
报告时间: 2017年4月12日, 14:00-16:00
报告地点: 综合实验1号楼602
报告人简介:主要从事新型纳米复合材料在纳米器件、可再生能源、生物医疗等方面应用的交叉学科研究。已获得英国国家自然科学金委等机构资助的超过3000万英镑研究经费。已经在Nature, Science, Nature Materials, Nature Photonics, Science Advances,Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Small, NanoLetters, ASCNano等发表550余篇论文,引用次数13000余次(Google Scholar), H-因子: 58。在国际学术大会做报告600余次,授权发明专利30项(其中4项被商业化应用)。先后获得Platinum medal of the Institute of Materials (Minerals and Mining), JJ Thomson Medal for contributions to Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Institute of Engineering and Technology), Royal Society Clifford Paterson Award, BAE Systems Innovation Bronze Award, Institute of Electrical Engineers “Achievement Award and Medal”, UNESCO biannual Albert Einstein Silver Medal & Javed Husain Young Scientist Award, Vernon Charles Boys Medal and Prize等奖项。