Some thought on International Impact of Mechanics modelling & Modelling of size effect on quasi-brittle fracture and its applications——胡晓智教授——(2015.4.13)

时间:2015-04-09 10:32

报告题目:Some thought on International Impact of Mechanics modelling & Modelling of size effect on quasi-brittle fracture and its applications


地点 综合实验一号楼 602

报告摘要:Mechanics modeling is not a high impact field. Should we chase the Impact Factor and citation number, or emphasize real science and genuine contribution towards science and technology? Cases of a few world-renowned mechanics researchers will be discussed to show the importance of long-term view on international impact.

The size effect modeling work at University of Western Australia is unique, i.e. the common size effect phenomenon on quasi-brittle fracture is, in fact, induced by interactions between crack length and specimen/structure boundaries. This provides a theoretical explanation on the requirements of the ASTM standard on fracture toughness measurements.

The boundary effect model is also controversial, as it has been fiercely questioned by the world most famous size effect guru, Professor ZP Bazant of Northwestern University, USA. In this talk, Bazant’s size effect (SE) model and UWA’s boundary effect (BE) model will be compared and discussed. Finally, the recent experimental results obtained at UWA in 2015 are used to explain the applications of BE model.

地址:中国·辽宁省大连市甘井子区凌工路2号 大连理工大学


