Overview of Taiwan BEM (1980-2018)Paradise and parasite of BIEM/BEM——陈正宗教授——(2018.9.11)

时间:2018-09-05 13:45

报告题目:Overview of Taiwan BEM (1980-2018)Paradise and parasite of BIEM/BEM
报告人:陈正宗 台湾海洋大学终身特聘教授

陈正宗教授,台湾海洋大学河海工程学系及机械与机电工程学系终身特聘教授,曾任中国土木水利学刊常务编辑、中国工程学刊土木编委(SCI)、海洋学刊执行编辑与国际计算机材料与连体期刊(Computers, Materials and Continua)编委,国际Beteq、WCCM、IABEM、Betech、BEM/MRM、ICCES、ICCESMM、ICCM、ECOMAS、ICOME、APCOM、ISCM-III、FFW、DAMAS执行委员BEM-Taiwan会议主席与ICOME、ICCM、MFS-Trefftz国际会议共同主席。现为ICACM Fellows(Award)与海洋学刊编委(SCI),亚太工程学报编委,国际计算方法期刊(Int. J. Comp. Meth., SCI)、国际边界元法通讯编委(Boundary Element Communications)、工程科技计算模拟期刊(CMES, SCI)与国际边界元法电子期刊(Electronics Journal on BEM)编委,现任两个SCI期刊副主编,中国工程学刊(JCIE)与力学期刊(JoM), 亦曾任工程分析边界元法期刊(EABE) 副主編(2008-2016),并发表百余篇 SCI期刊论文。 


It is well known that BEM/BIEM is an acceptable approach for solving engineering problems. It is a paradise in several aspects, one-dimension reduction of mesh, infinite domain, stress concentration and crack problems. Several successful experiences in Taiwan will be demonstrated. However, it also results in parasites in some cases. Rank-deficient matrix appears due to the degenerate scale, degenerate boundary, spurious eigenvalue and fictitious frequency once the BIEM/BEM is used for solving boundary value problems. Based on the well-posed dual formulation of the BEM/BIEM, full rank promotion can be achieved., In this talk, three parts will be given. First, the TwSIAM will be introduced. Second, the history of Taiwan BEM development will be addressed. Third, the rank-deficiency system in the BIEM/BEM will be reviewed and transformed to the well-posed system. Finally, I will mention recent works of NTOU/MSV group on the quaternion and the Clifford BEM.

地址:中国·辽宁省大连市甘井子区凌工路2号 大连理工大学


