Computer Modelling and Digital Twin of Advanced Ceramic Processing——潘敬哲教授——(2019.3.5)

时间:2019-03-01 11:26

题目:Computer Modelling and Digital Twin of Advanced Ceramic Processing

报告人:英国莱斯特大学  潘敬哲教授




Abstract: At elevated temperatures, fine particles tend to form necks between themselves and consolidate into a strong solid. This process is known as sintering. As an ancient technique, sintering has been used to make bricks, china and potteries. As a modern technology, sintering is being used to produce a wide range of high-tech materials and products. Almost all ceramic products and an increasing number of metal, polymer and glass components are made by sintering. In this part of the talk, existing sintering theories (mainly developed between 1950-1960) will be briefly reviewed. These theories will then be criticised and a much older approach, the variational method due to Euler (1707-1783), will be advocated. The old approach leads to a unified basis for computer modelling of the sintering process which involves all possible mechanisms of matter redistribution. Numerical schemes have been developed to simulate microstructural evolution and macroscopic deformation using the variational approach.


A digital twin refers to a set of physical process (such as sintering) and its digital representation (such as a finite element model for sintering). It is a natural extension to computer modelling that has been made possible by the abundant availability of low cost and fast in-process measurement and data collection. A key difference between conventional computer modelling and digital twin is that the computer models on the digital side of the twin are frequently updated and revised using the data collected from the physical side of the twin. The key advantage of this approach is to reduce uncertainty in the computer models. In this part of the talk the existing material models for ceramic processing are reviewed in the context of digital twin.




Current position and contact details                      

Professor in Mechanics of Materials

Deputy Head of Department

Head of Mechanics of Materials Research Group

Department of Engineering, University of Leicester

Email: jp165@; Tel: 0116 223 1092

Academic career

Jul. 2017 – Dec.   2017

Interim Head   of Department, Department   of Engineering, University   of Leicester

Sep. 2011 –   Sep. 2015

College   Director of Research, College   of Science and Engineering, University   of Leicester

Apr. 2006 –

Professor in   Mechanics of Materials, Department   of Engineering, University   of Leicester

Apr. 1994 – Apr.   2006

Lecturer and   Reader in Solid Mechanics, School   of Engineering, University   of Surrey

Feb. 1991 –   Oct. 1994

Post-doctoral   Research Fellow, Engineering   Department, Cambridge University

Feb. 1990 –   Feb. 1991

University   Visiting Fellow, Civil   Engineering Department, University   of Liverpool

Jun. 1988 – Feb. 1990

Post-doctoral   Research Fellow, Department   of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian   University of Technology, China

Education history

1985 – 1988

Ph.D. in Solid   Mechanics, Shanghai Jiao Tong   University, China

1982 – 1985

M.Sc. in Solid   Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, China

1978 – 1982

B.Sc. in Solid   Mechanics, Shenyang University of Technology, China

Research experience

I was awarded the 2018 Verulam Medal from the British Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IoM3) in recognition for my distinguished contributions to ceramics.

I lead the Mechanics of Materials research group at Leicester. This group was established by Prof Frederick Leckie in 1968. It currently has 23 academic staff (including 4 Professors) and over 30 PDRAs and PhD students. The Group hosts an EPSRC Doctor Training Centre on metal processing, a joint Materials Innovation Centre with TWI Ltd and an Advanced Microscopy Centre. The group has a long established international reputation for research in high temperature materials. Biomaterials is another strong theme of our research. The current group funding portfolio is over £3M.


Having worked at two UK Universities over 23 years, I redesigned many modules and developed an entirely new BSc programme of Entrepreneurship in Technology as its funding director (2002-2006). Currently I am the Programme Director for a joint degree programme in Mechanical Engineering at Dalian Leicester Institute, which was established by the University of Leicester and Dalian University of Technology in 2017.

Journal publications and book

Professor Pan has published one book and more than 100 papers.

A full list of journal publications and book is available on Google Scholar citations:



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