An Insight Into Some Of The Geotechnical Engineering Research Activities At The School Of Engineering At University Of Tasmania, Australia——Ali Tolooiyan高级讲师——(2019.6.17)

时间:2019-06-14 10:17

报告题目An Insight Into Some Of The Geotechnical Engineering Research Activities At The School Of Engineering At University Of Tasmania, Australia

报告人Ali Tolooiyan高级讲师,澳大利亚Tasmania大学工程学院

 Ali Tolooiyan, senior lecturer, School of Engineering, University of Tasmania, Australia

报告时间:2019617 15:00-16:00



Dr Ali Tolooiyan is a senior lecturer in geotechnical engineering at the University of Tasmania, working in the areas of offshore geotechnics, mining geotechnical engineering, soil improvement, foundation systems, mine rehabilitation and soil dynamics.

Ali completed his PhD in the area of geotechnical engineering and geomechanics at the National University of Ireland, University College Dublin (UCD) in 2010 where he was subsequently employed as a Post-Doctoral researcher in the field of offshore geotechnical engineering until 2011. In 2012, he moved to Australia and joined Monash University to establish the core of a new coal mining engineering research group. In 2014, he took a senior position after the creation of Federation University Australia, and held the position of Deputy Director of the Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Engineering Research Group (GHERG) from July 2017 until October 2018. After that, he joined the University of Tasmania as a senior lecturer in computational geotechnics to continue his career in the only island state of Australia.

Ali is the chairman of the Tasmanian chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) and a professional member of Engineers Australia. He has taught several geotechnical engineering, and numerical modelling subjects, and has been an active consultant on a variety of national and international scale projects in Australia, Europe, Asia and the Middle-East.

In this lecture, Ali will discuss his research findings in three areas as listed below. The findings presented in this lecture are based on numerical analyses (FEM and XFEM), field investigations and advanced laboratory testing activities.

Ground improvement: Cutter Soil Mixing (CSM). Soil dynamics: Resilient modulus of UGMs under cyclic loading; Permanent deformation of UGMs under cyclic loading; Long-term dynamic constitutive behaviour of an Australian silty clay; Post-long-term dynamic constitutive behaviour of an Australian silty clay. Slope Stability: Stability analysis of Australia’s second largest mine; Advanced laboratory testing. GPR and MASW geophysical testing; Pressuremeter testing.

This lecture is aimed to help participants navigate through some of the research capabilities and expertise within the School of Engineering at the University of Tasmania and to introduce potential collaboration areas between the Dalian University of Technology and the School of Engineering at the University of Tasmania.

地址:中国·辽宁省大连市甘井子区凌工路2号 大连理工大学


