Iceberg Calving from the Antarctic Ice Sheet——Sue Cook 博士后——(2019.7.3)

时间:2019-06-29 13:16

题目:Iceberg Calving from the Antarctic Ice Sheet

报告人:Sue Cook 博士后,Tasmania University of TechnologyAustralia

时间:201973日(星期三) 1000-1100


报告摘要: The Antarctic Ice Sheet is currently contributing to global sea level at an accelerating rate. It is expected to contribute up to 1 m of global sea level rise by the end of the century. However, there is very large uncertainty in this value and in how fast changes will take place. One of the key areas of uncertainty is how much mass will be lost as icebergs. This talk will explore why iceberg calving is so difficult to represent in ice sheet models, and how we can reduce uncertainty in future ice sheet models.

报告人简介:Dr. Sue Cook is an Antarctic scientist working for the Antarctic Gateway Partnership at University of Tasmania. She completed her undergraduate study in Physics at the University of Oxford, and her PhD at Swansea University on the subject of mass loss by iceberg calving from the Greenland Ice Sheet. Her current research combines field observations of mass loss from Antarctica with numerical modelling techniques to predict the future of the ice sheet.

地址:中国·辽宁省大连市甘井子区凌工路2号 大连理工大学


