Topological Design for Novel Pentamode Mechanical Metamaterials——罗震副教授——(2019.10.9)

时间:2019-10-08 16:52

报告题目:Topological Design for Novel Pentamode Mechanical Metamaterials

报告人:悉尼科技大学 罗震副教授




Abstract: Pentamode metamaterials are a new class of three-dimensional mechanical metamaterials, artificially engineered to have unusual elastic property: a very large but realistically attainable ratio of the effective bulk modulus compared to its shear modulus, mimicking the behaviour of fluids but are solid, hard to compress yet easy to deform. This research is motivated to use topological optimization method for finding novel pentamode architectures through the overall elastic deformation of isotropic microstructures, not the double-cone rigid bodies dominantly used by most up-to-date design philosophies.


Bio: Dr Zhen (Jeff) Luo is an Associate Professor at University of Technology Sydney (UTS), and he is the Founding Director for Centre of "Advanced Design & Manufacturing" (ADaM). He received his PhD degree from HUST Mechanical Engineering in 2005. He worked as a research fellow for 6 years more at Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Sydney, and University of New South Wales. His current research interests include topological optimisation, design optimisation with uncertainty analysis and surrogate models, metamaterials and composites, multiscale modelling and design, bio-mechanical implants and devices, and smart flexible electronics and mechanical systems, as well as his recent experience in additive manufacturing. Since 2005, Dr Luo has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal papers, including 89 JCR-Q1 journal papers, with Scopus citations up to 3000 times (h-index 31). He has received several competitive and industrial research grants, and supervised over 10 PhD students.


地址:中国·辽宁省大连市甘井子区凌工路2号 大连理工大学


