Philippe Devloo LabMeC research team——Philippe Devloo教授——(2019.11.6)

时间:2019-11-05 11:01

报告题目:Philippe Devloo LabMeC research team

报告人:Philippe Devloo教授,University of CampinasBrazil




LabMeC (labortatório de Mecânica Computational) is a research laboratory of the School of Civil Engineering of UNICAMP - Brasil. The research developed at LabMeC is centered around a public domain object oriented finite element library NeoPZ ( ). This library is oriented towards the development of finite element algorithms.

It includes 1, 2 and 3 dimensional finite element spaces, allows for h-adaptive refinements and arbitrary orders of polynomial approximation. In recent years the LabMeC research team has added H(Div) conforming approximation spaces to the library and demonstrated their advantages in approximating different partial differential equations. The following developments have been published and/or are being elaborated.


_ A systematic procedure for developing H(Div) conforming spaces with arbitrary polynomial order

_ 3D hp-adaptive approximations using formulation of Poisson’s equation

_ Enhanced accuracy of the pressure variable when using mixed finite element approximations

_ Simulating Discrete Fracture Networks using mixed finite elements (2D and 3D)

_ On the development of Multiscale Hybrid Mixed approximations of flow through porous media

_ Effective error estimates for mixed finite element approximations

地址:中国·辽宁省大连市甘井子区凌工路2号 大连理工大学


