Wave-induced Motions and Loads on Moored OffshoreStructures——蒋长青博士——(2023.3.3)

时间:2023-03-02 15:09

报告题目:Wave-induced Motions and Loads on Moored OffshoreStructures





报告简介:This presentation covers the numerical methods for wave-induced motions and loads on moored offshore structures. The state-of-the-art numerical tools including potential-flow and viscous-flow solvers coupled with mooring dynamics, mechanical connections, and structural dynamics are critically studied and improved. Verification and validation studies are conducted for all applied mathematical models, using available benchmarks and model basin tests. Aiming to account for the nonlinear fluid-structure interaction, mooring dynamics, and associated viscous flow effects, a coupled mooring-viscous flow solver is developed by solving the equations governing mooring dynamics, six-degree-of-freedom nonlinear body motions, and fluid dynamics in a coupled manner. To study an articulated multibody offshore system interacting with its mooring lines, the mooring-viscous flow solver is extended by incorporating a rigid-body-dynamics algorithm,

where various mechanical joints can be applied to articulate bodies. The fluid-structure interaction is considered using both a conventional Finite-Volume-Finite-Element (FV-FE) approach and a novel self-contained FV-FV method. Implemented into OpenFOAM as an open source, the developed numerical models show the high potential for analyzing the motions and loads on moored and/or articulated offshore structures in various sea states, which goes beyond the state of the art.

报告人简介:蒋长青,男,高级工程师, 目前就职于德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学船舶与海洋工程研究所,担任流固耦合 (Fluid-Structure-Interaction) 研究组负责人。 2021年以最优等成绩 (Auszeichnung / Summa Cum Laude) 获得德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学工程博士学位 (Dr.-Ing.) 先后参与欧盟地平线 (EU-Horizon2020) 项目 SpaceSea,德国联邦经济和科技部 (BMWi) 项目

DigitShip 和德国国家科研基金 (DFG) 和中国国家自然科学基金 (NSFC) 国际合作项目 超大型浮体。主要研究方向为海洋结构物水动力,系泊系统,多浮体相互作用,流固耦合的数值模型软件开发。应用包括超大型浮体,海洋油气平台,漂浮式风力发电,波浪能发电以及漂浮式太阳能发电。

地址:中国·辽宁省大连市甘井子区凌工路2号 大连理工大学


