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The study of micro-Raman spectroscopy for stress analysis and the application to the Raman-inactive materials

2015年04月06日 16:47  点击:[]

The project emphasizes on some key experimental techniques of micro-Raman spectroscopy and its applications to the meso-mechanics, such as stress tensor theory, stress/ strain separation method, standard Raman spectra calibration method, ��Raman activation�� method for Raman non-active materials and the influences of those key issues on experimental results. Credible experimental results provided from Raman analysis are used for the studies on mechanic problems, such as the interfacial micro-mechanics and stress transfer mechanism of piezoelectric fiber enhanced polymer composites under load and electricity. The scientific meaning of the research is improving the testing and analysis methods of micro Raman-spectroscopy, developing ��surface coating�� and ��inside burying�� Raman active technique, acting as multifunctional ��Raman stress/ strain sensor�� and providing a new nondestructive testing method with high sensitivity for micro-scale experimental mechanics of MEMS and new materials.

上一条:Parametric shape optimization method of thermal-elastoplastic structures 下一条:Mechanism of Nanometer Oxides Detonation Synthesis


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