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Computational Mechanics and Engineering Scientific Computations

2015年04月06日 16:47  点击:[]

The principle research direction of the project is the computational method and design optimization theory for advanced structures and materials. The aim is to investigate the fundamental theory and numerical methods of multi-scale computations and macro-micro integrated design optimization with multi-physics coupling and extreme environment, and to develop systemic and innovative theories, models, algorithms and software system. The research contents include the advanced computational method and structural optimum design under multi-physics coupling effects, design optimization of material micro-structures, multi-scale nonlinear analysis of materials, macro-micro integrated structure-material concurrent design optimization, multi-medium and multi-physics coupling material computations and multiscale simulation of nano-materials, and basic high-performance computational algorithms and software platform. The project is to promote the combination of computational mechanics with engineering, and the advances of computational mechanics as well as, in particular, the theories and methods of structural and multidisciplinary design optimization. The applications in the fields of advanced manufacture, aerospace vehicles, MEMS/NEMS, new materials, biomedical engineering, and etc. are also fended.

上一条:Numerical simulation optimization design technique of anticorrosion system for ocean engineering 下一条:Analytical Structure Mechanics and Related Problems


Address: Dalian University of Technology    Dalian 116023, P.R.China    Phone: 86-411-84708393
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