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Research on the design principle of multi-machine for simultaneous stability and same life

2015年04月08日 19:36  点击:[]

The National Key Basic Research and Development Program of China (973 Program),No. 2011CB706504, 2011-2015

Guojun MA

This project is one of the six projects of the 973 program “Key scientific problems of complete set equipment for air separation with large scale and low energy consumption”. Industrial gases are called “blood of industry”, so the complete set equipment for air separation is usually considered as “hematopoietic instrument”. In order to decrease the energy consumption, it is necessary to maximize the scale of the air separation equipment. However, this brings great challenges to the design, manufacture and operation of the air separation equipment. Especially, this makes the three rotary machines in the air separation set, compressor, expander and supercharger, become easy to fail due to complex and severe environment, such as large centrifugal force. This project mainly focus on the studies on the (1) novel testing method for fatigue research on the key parts of the rotary machines of the air separation set; (2) reliability evaluation technology of the key parts of the rotary machines in the air separation set; (3) the defect formation mechanism of rotor part of a large centrifugal compressor; (4) operation stability of the rotary machines in the air separation set.

上一条:“The multi-functional design of structural ultra-light porous material” in the project of “The basic research of the multi-functional applications of ultra-light porous materials and its composition structure” 下一条:Life-cycle performance monitoring, prototype validation and safety assessment for deepwater platform structures


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