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Probability Based Impact Localization in Plate Structures Using Flexural Waves——Rahim Gorgin——(2021.6.11)

2021年06月04日 17:24  点击:[]

题目:Probability Based Impact Localization in Plate Structures Using Flexural Waves

报告人:Rahim Gorgin, Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanics of Jiangsu University

时间:20210611 14:30-15:30



报告人简介: Rahim Gorgin, Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanics of Jiangsu University.  He received his Ph.D. degree in Structural Engineering from Dalian University of Technology, in 2014. From 2015 to 2017 he was a postdoctoral researcher with the State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industry Equipment, at Dalian University of Technology.

His main research areas are Guided Wave Based Structural Health Monitoring, Machine learning, and Digital Twin.

摘要: Rahim Gorgin will make a talk on “Probability Based Impact Localization in Plate Structures Using Flexural Waves”. In this talk, the results of a real-time impact localization method for isotropic and anisotropic plates will be discussed, i.e., the following issues:

1. The significance of impact localization in composite structures;

2. Numerical simulation of low and high velocity impacts using ABAQUS;

3. Impact induced waves in structures;

4. Time of Arrival (TOA) estimation based on the energy of signal;

5. TOA estimation based on the amplitude of signal;

6. Impact localization in composite plates without prior knowledge about their mechanical properties in different directions;

7. Influence of measurement noise and false signal on impact localization method;

8. Influence of temperature fluctuation on impact localization method.  

上一条:从编辑的视角看如何提升科技期刊的投稿命中率——用心、专心、耐心——苏磊副编审——(2021.6.25) 下一条:非均匀材料的多场耦合建模与高精度细观力学模型研发——王冠楠研究员——(2021.6.3)


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